Shopify Plus vs Advanced: Pricing, Features & Comparison

In the world of eCommerce platforms, Shopify Plus vs Advanced are two heavyweights competing for the top spot. Both offer robust features tailored to meet the needs of growing businesses looking to scale their online presence.

While Shopify Advanced provides a solid foundation with advanced customization options, Shopify Plus takes it up a notch with additional perks like dedicated support and enhanced scalability.

Understanding the nuances between these two can be pivotal in making an informed decision that aligns with your business goals and aspirations.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the differences between Shopify Plus and Advanced to make an informed decision for your business.
  • Consider the pricing variations between the two platforms and align them with your budget and requirements.
  • Evaluate the key features and functionalities offered by each platform to determine which aligns best with your business goals.
  • Explore the customization options available in both Shopify Plus and Advanced to tailor the platform to your specific needs.
  • Take advantage of multicurrency and multistore capabilities to expand your reach and cater to a global audience effectively.
  • Compare the B2B capabilities of Shopify Plus and Advanced to choose the platform that best supports your business-to-business operations.

Read Complete Shopify Review

Shopify Plus vs Advanced Overview

Key Features

Shopify Plus and Advanced are two versions of the popular eCommerce platform Shopify. Both platforms cater to businesses of all sizes, offering a wide range of advanced features and functionalities.

Shopify Plus vs Advanced: Pricing, Features & Comparison
Shopify – eCommerce platformShopify Plus vs Advanced: Pricing, Features & Comparison for online stores

Shopify Plus is designed for high-volume merchants with complex needs, providing scalability, customization options, and dedicated support.

For instance, Shopify Plus offers features like automation tools for workflows, multi-currency capabilities for international sales, and customizable scripts for tailored solutions.

On the other hand, Advanced, while also robust in its offerings, may have limitations compared to the more comprehensive services provided by Shopify Plus, such as access to exclusive apps or APIs.

Pricing Comparison

It’s essential to consider your business requirements carefully. Both versions require a monthly subscription fee based on usage and additional costs for transaction fees or add-ons.

However, Shopify Plus’ pricing structure tends to be higher due to its premium services.

Shopify Plus Pricing: $2,500/month with a 1-year term and $2,300/month with a 3-year term.

Advanced Plan Pricing: $399 per month and $299 per month for yearly payment.


  • Scalability: Both platforms offer scalability options.
  • Customization: Extensive customization features are available.
  • Support: Dedicated customer support teams are provided by both versions.


  • Cost: Higher pricing associated with Shopify Plus.
  • Complexity: Managing complexities may require technical expertise.

Pricing Comparison for Shopify Plus and Advanced

Higher Price Point

Comparing Shopify Plus and Advanced, you’ll notice that Shopify Plus comes with a higher price tag of $2,500/month with a 1-year term. This is primarily due to the additional features and support it offers compared to Advanced.

Despite the higher cost, many businesses find the investment worthwhile because of the advanced functionalities provided by Shopify Plus.

For companies willing to invest more in their eCommerce platform, Shopify Plus can be an excellent choice as it provides robust features tailored for high-volume businesses.

The extra cost translates into benefits such as dedicated account management, customizable checkout options, and enhanced security measures.

Affordable Option

On the other hand, Advanced offers a more budget-friendly alternative for businesses looking for a solid eCommerce solution without breaking the bank. Comes with just $399 per month and $299 per month for yearly payments.

While it may not have all the bells and whistles of Shopify Plus, Advanced still provides essential tools and features necessary for running an online store successfully.

When deciding between Shopify Plus vs Advanced, it’s crucial to consider your budget constraints alongside your business requirements.

If you’re a large enterprise with complex needs and high sales volume, investing in Shopify Plus might be justified despite its higher price point.

However, if you’re a smaller business looking for a reliable yet affordable platform, Advanced could be the better option.

Key Features and Functionality Differences

New Features

Shopify Plus introduces new features like custom checkout, wholesale capabilities, and automation tools.

These enhancements cater to large businesses requiring specialized functions for smoother operations.

Advanced focuses on essential functionalities, including inventory management, discount codes, and product variants.

These core features are designed to meet the fundamental needs of an online store without overwhelming users with unnecessary complexities.

Understanding these differences in features is crucial when deciding between Shopify Plus vs Advanced.

For instance, if your business heavily relies on wholesale transactions or automated processes, Shopify Plus could be the better fit due to its tailored solutions.

Advantage Comparison

One key advantage of Shopify Plus lies in its ability to handle a high volume of traffic through advanced infrastructure support.

On the other hand, Advanced may be more suitable for smaller businesses looking for a cost-effective solution without compromising on essential functionalities.

When comparing these platforms based on their specific offerings such as custom checkout options or inventory management tools, it becomes clearer which one aligns better with your business requirements.


  • Shopify Plus offers advanced features catering to large enterprises.
  • Advanced provides essential eCommerce functionalities at a reasonable cost.


  • Shopify Plus might be too complex for small businesses with basic needs.
  • Advanced lacks some specialized features that larger companies may require.

Shopify Plus vs Advanced Customization Options

Extensive Customization

Shopify Plus offers extensive customization options through its Liquid templating language and backend code access.

This allows users to tailor their online stores to meet specific design and functionality requirements.

For instance, businesses can create unique customized storefronts that resonate with their brand identity.

Shopify Plus enables the integration of various app integrations for added functionalities and features.

By leveraging these third-party apps, users can enhance their store’s capabilities without extensive development work or costs involved.

This flexibility caters to diverse business needs, offering a wide range of options for optimizing the online shopping experience for customers.

Design Flexibility

While Advanced also provides customization options, it may have limitations compared to Shopify Plus in terms of design flexibility and advanced customization capabilities.

When evaluating both platforms, it is crucial to consider your specific design requirements and customization needs.

For example, if your business demands intricate custom reports or highly tailored admin panel functionalities, Shopify Plus might be more suitable due to its robust design tools.

The ability to cater directly to customer preferences by tailoring every aspect of the online shopping experience can significantly impact user satisfaction and retention rates.

By utilizing customized storefronts on Shopify Plus, businesses can create a seamless journey for customers from browsing products to checkout, enhancing the overall user experience.

Multicurrency and Multistore Capabilities

Multicurrency Support

Shopify Plus offers built-in multicurrency support, simplifying the process of selling in multiple currencies.

This feature is beneficial for businesses looking to expand globally without worrying about currency conversions or complex setups.

On the other hand, Advanced might need third-party apps or plugins to enable multicurrency functionality.

This could lead to additional costs and potential compatibility issues with other aspects of the eCommerce store.

When considering between Shopify Plus and Advanced, it’s crucial to evaluate how each platform handles multiple currencies seamlessly.

For instance, if you anticipate a significant portion of your sales coming from international customers, having a platform that natively supports multiple currencies can streamline transactions and provide a better shopping experience.

Managing Multiple Stores

For businesses operating in different regions or targeting diverse markets, managing additional storefronts efficiently is essential.

Shopify Plus allows users to set up separate stores for different countries or customer segments within a single dashboard.

This centralized approach simplifies inventory management, order processing, and marketing strategies across various storefronts.

In contrast, Advanced may require more manual effort when handling multiple stores since it lacks native support for creating distinct storefronts under one account.

Without this feature, businesses might face challenges in maintaining consistent branding across their international stores or tailoring promotions based on specific market needs.


  • A streamlined process for selling in multiple currencies.
  • Centralized dashboard for managing various storefronts.


  • Needing third-party apps/plugins for multicurrency support (Advanced).
  • Potential complexities in managing multiple stores effectively (Advanced).

B2B Capabilities Comparison

Shopify Plus B2B Features

Shopify Plus provides advanced B2B features such as custom pricing, bulk ordering, and dedicated account management.

These capabilities are crucial for businesses looking to cater to other businesses rather than individual consumers.

For example, setting up different price points based on customer segments can be a game-changer for wholesale transactions.

On the other hand, Advanced may have some limitations in its B2B capabilities when compared to Shopify Plus.

While both platforms offer robust e-commerce solutions, Shopify Plus specifically tailors its features toward meeting the complex needs of business-to-business transactions.

The platform’s ability to handle large volumes of orders efficiently and provide personalized services sets it apart in this aspect.

Assessing Your Requirements

When deciding between Shopify Plus and Advanced for your B2B operations, it is essential to evaluate your specific needs thoroughly.

Consider factors such as the volume of bulk orders you anticipate handling, whether you require customized pricing structures for different clients, or whether having a dedicated account manager is critical for your business’s success.

To make an informed decision between these two platforms with varying market offerings in terms of B2B capabilities, assess how each aligns with your unique requirements.

If you prioritize extensive customization options and seamless integration with existing systems like ERP or CRM software within a single interface, then Shopify Plus might be the ideal choice due to its comprehensive suite of tools tailored explicitly for B2B transactions.


  • Extensive customization options
  • Efficient handling of large order volumes


  • Higher cost compared to Advanced
  • A steeper learning curve initially

Technical and Extensive Support Variations

Shopify Plus Support Options

Shopify Plus offers dedicated support with a designated account manager, ensuring personalized assistance.

This service includes 24/7 priority support to address any urgent issues promptly.

The platform’s focus on providing comprehensive technical help can be beneficial for businesses requiring immediate solutions and tailored guidance.

One of the key advantages of Shopify Plus is its emphasis on offering personalized support tailored to each client’s unique needs.

Having a dedicated account manager can streamline communication and ensure that your concerns are addressed efficiently.

For companies that value individualized attention when resolving technical issues, this level of hands-on assistance can be invaluable in maintaining smooth operations.

Advanced Standard Support

In contrast, Advanced provides standard support options, which may not offer the same degree of personalized assistance as Shopify Plus.

While it still provides essential technical aid, the level of customization and direct access to an assigned account manager might vary between the two versions.

Businesses considering Advanced should evaluate their need for extensive technical support before making a decision.


  • Dedicated account manager for personalized assistance
  • 24/7 priority support for urgent issues


  • May not have the same level of personalized assistance as Shopify Plus

When deciding between Shopify Plus and Advanced, it is crucial to assess your company’s reliance on technical support services and determine the level of assistance required for your operations’ smooth functioning.

By understanding your business’s specific needs regarding troubleshooting, maintenance, and ongoing development requirements, you can make an informed choice based on the available support options provided by each version.

Payment Gateways and Fees Analysis

Wide Range of Payment Gateway Integrations

Both Shopify Plus and Advanced provide various options for payment gateways, allowing customers to choose their preferred method.

Shopify Plus often offers a more extensive selection compared to Advanced, giving businesses more flexibility.

It’s essential to evaluate these options carefully to ensure they align with your business requirements.

When considering payment gateway integrations, consider factors such as transaction fees, credit card rates, and compatibility with subscription payments.

For instance, if your business relies heavily on subscription services, ensuring seamless integration with the chosen platform is crucial.

Assessing Associated Fees

Apart from the range of payment gateways available, it’s vital to analyze the associated fees when choosing between Shopify Plus and Advanced.

This includes looking into costs like transaction fees, credit card rates, and any additional charges that may apply during the checkout process.

To make an informed decision based on cost-effectiveness for your business model consider elements like calculated shipping rates or discounts offered through specific payment gateways. These can have a significant impact on your overall expenses and profit margins.

Choosing the Right Platform Based on Needs

Business Size and Budget

When deciding between Shopify Plus and Advanced, consider your business size and budget.

Shopify Plus is suitable for large enterprises with high transaction volumes, while Advanced caters to smaller businesses with moderate sales.

If you have a limited budget, Advanced might be more cost-effective than Shopify Plus.

Keep in mind that Shopify Plus offers advanced features tailored for larger businesses, such as customizable checkout experiences and dedicated account managers. On the other hand, Advanced provides essential functionalities at a more affordable price point.


  • Scalability for growing businesses
  • Customization options based on business needs


  • Higher costs associated with Shopify Plus
  • Limited features compared to Shopify Plus

Desired Features and Customization Requirements

Evaluate your desired features and customization requirements when choosing between platforms.

Determine if you need advanced tools like multicurrency support or specific B2B functionalities. Shopify Plus excels in providing robust features like multi-channel selling capabilities, making it ideal for complex e-commerce needs.

If your business requires basic customization options without extensive features, then Advanced might suffice.

It offers standard eCommerce functionality without the added complexity of advanced customizations found in Shopify Plus.

  1. Assess feature requirements.
  2. Compare customization options offered by each platform.

Long-Term Scalability and Growth Potential

Consider long-term scalability and growth potential before deciding between platforms.

Ensure that the chosen platform can accommodate future expansion plans without significant disruptions or migrations down the line.

Both Shopify Plus and Advanced offer scalability; however, Shopify’s enterprise-level platform provides more room for growth due to its extensive integrations with third-party apps and services tailored for large-scale operations.

  • Evaluate scalability based on future growth projections.
  • Plan to ensure seamless transitions as your business expands.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Shopify Advanced the same as Shopify Plus?

No, Shopify Advanced and Shopify Plus are different offerings by Shopify. Shopify Advanced is a mid-tier plan with advanced features, while Shopify Plus is a high-end enterprise solution with additional functionalities and support tailored for large businesses.

What is the difference between Shopify and Shopify Plus?

The main difference lies in their target market and features. Shopify is designed for small to medium-sized businesses, offering essential e-commerce functionalities. Shopify Plus caters to large enterprises, providing advanced customization options, dedicated support, and scalability to handle high-volume sales and complex operations.

Is Shopify Plus really worth it?

For large businesses with significant sales volumes and complex requirements, Shopify Plus can be worth the investment. It offers advanced features, scalability, dedicated support, and customizations tailored to enterprise-level needs. However, the decision depends on specific business requirements and budget considerations.

What is the difference between Basic Shopify and Advanced?

Basic Shopify offers essential features for starting an online store, while Advanced Shopify includes additional functionalities like advanced report builder and third-party calculated shipping rates. The Advanced plan suits businesses with higher sales volumes and more complex needs.

Can you provide a brief comparison between Shopify Plus and Advanced?

Shopify Plus offers robust features for large enterprises, while Advanced is more suitable for mid-sized businesses. Shopify Plus provides advanced customization options and dedicated support compared to the more basic functionalities of Advanced.

Are there significant pricing differences between Shopify Plus vs Advanced?

Yes, Shopify Plus is priced higher than the Advanced plan due to its enterprise-level features and scalability. While both platforms offer value for their respective target markets, Shopify Plus caters to larger businesses with greater demands.

What are some key feature differences between Shopify Plus vs Advanced?

Shopify Plus boasts advanced features like custom checkout experiences, automation tools, and enhanced security measures that cater to high-volume sales. On the other hand, Advanced focuses on essential e-commerce functionalities without the extensive customization options of Shopify Plus.

How do Multicurrency capabilities differ in Shopify Plus vs Advanced?

Shopify Plus supports multicurrency functionality out-of-the-box, allowing merchants to sell in multiple currencies seamlessly. In contrast, while possible with workarounds on the Advanced platform using third-party apps or plugins, it may not be as integrated or streamlined as on Shopify Plus.

Which platform would be better suited for B2B capabilities: Shopify Pus or Advance?

For businesses focusing primarily on B2B operations with complex pricing structures and tailored customer experiences, Shopify Plus would be the preferred choice due to its advanced B2B functionality built into the platform compared to Advanced, which might require additional integrations/extensions for such needs.

Final Remarks

You’ve now got a solid understanding of the what is differences between Shopify Plus vs Advanced. From pricing to features, customization, and support, each platform has its strengths and weaknesses.

It’s crucial to assess your business needs carefully before making a decision. Consider what aspects are non-negotiable for you and where you can compromise.

Remember, the right choice will pave the way for your online success. So, take your time, weigh the options, and select the platform that aligns best with your goals.

Your eCommerce journey is unique, and the platform you choose should reflect that. Good luck with your decision-making process!

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